Ive been back at work for three weeks now after a lovely three-week (working) holiday. In between we have had a long weekend and now we are in week two of four until exams start again. I love that about my job. I can break it up into conquerable periods with breaks in between. When I do have work, I work hard. The grind is real. And when its time for a break, I still work, but at my own pace, in my own time. I get to decide when I do what. To me, that is my most precious luxury, the gift of time to spend how I desire and see fit. It is one of the biggest privileges I treasure in my heart.
It is because it speaks to how valuable my free time is to me. When the grind is on, I do not enjoy priority in my life. Washing, meals, exercise, occasions, all kind of fall behind, because often I’m just too exhausted. The little fuel I have left, I need to spend replenishing myself so that I can repeat the process tomorrow. I am ashamed to admit it, but my husband also gets left in the wake of my task orientated personality. I know this is something I need to work on.
I love my job and I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment, but never before have I been so faced with and aware of how I spend the very little precious time that is mine while the grind is on. I often say it, “I don’t know how people with kids do it”, but I also know that when the situation requires it of you, you more often than not, rise to the occasion.
So, what am I getting at here? A lot of things, I guess.
1. When a person gives you their time and attention, show appreciation. You don’t know what they had to sacrifice or put on the back burner to do so.
2. When you do decide to give your precious time to a cause you might not deem as worthy, but the situation requires it, then go all in. Don’t hold back because you think it’s a waste of time. You are there, you might as well enjoy it.
3. Priority is a relative term and people’s values differ. What is a priority to me, might not be a priority to you. And that is okay. There might be a better or another way, but not a wrong way.
4. In the precious little moments, you do have to yourself, look after yourself, nurture your soul, refill your cup. I share one of my favourite lyrics again, “I know I’m filled to be emptied again”.
5. Finally, understand and accept that the opening lines to Days of our lives was truer than we could ever grasp back then. “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives”.
In conclusion, hold dear what you have here and now, when the grind is on and when you can spend your time at leisure. Time is luxury. We each have our measured portion to manage to the best of our knowledge and abilities.
Soos ons in Afrikaans sê … Koop die tyd uit.